About us


Entrance to Willfort International Patent Firm
Name of firm
Willfort International Patent Firm
Date firm founded
1 March 1993
20-3 Nihonbashi Kodenmacho,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0001 JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-6264-8980

Managing Patent Attorney
Number of staff members
14 (as of 1 September 2011)
Services offered
  Areas of specialization
    Patents and utility models in the following fields of art: electrical, electronics, information processing (both hardware and software) communications, semiconductor, mechanical, etc..
    Assisting in the solution of technical problems, discovery of inventions, etc..

Specific examples of services offered
  1. Filing, prosecution, appeal, opposition, and other proceedings in connection with Japanese and foreign patent applications and utility model applications.
  2. Consultation regarding discovery of inventions and solutions to technical problems, patent strategies based on prior art searches, how to respond to intellectual property of competitors, and so forth.
  3. Consultation, opinion letters, and representation during litigation in connection with infringement or enforcement of intellectual property rights.
  4. Seminars on the subject of patents, copyrights, and all other aspects of industrial property for the education and training of corporate engineering staff involved in development and planning, corporate planners, sales personnel, administrators, and others.
  5. Proceedings in connection with designs and trademarks